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Useful Websites


Kahoot is a website where teachers (or students) can create quizzes and study guides and present them in an interactive way, where everyone in the room has the chance to answer. This can be useful for teachers preparing their students for tests, or even for teachers to give tests.


Dojo is one of my favorite websites. This website is one where you can award or deduct points from individual students or the class as a whole. This is a good website to use when you need to keep students on task, when they are constantly misbehaving, and they are doing things worthy of praise. You can project dojo on the screen and the students can see when points are detected or added, typically resulting in a reaction from the students. 


This website is a great way to present information to your classroom. With WeVideo you are able to create a video presentation including animations, personal videos, voiceovers and much more. Another use for this besides presenting to a class would be having the class present to you- this is a great website for students to use to create an individualized or group project containing information they have learned. 


Imagine having hundreds of books right at your fingertips! With Storyline, you can do just that. Having online access to so many books creates a virtual library that encourages students to read more. What helps even more is that these books are read aloud, so students can listen as well as read. This website would be great for assigning a book to the whole class, but not having to purchase that many copies. Storyline would also be great for having student do projects on books without having to re-read and re-read the book, since they are able to listen to it. 


Edmodo is like facebook for your classroom.With edmodo, you are able to communicate with your students on deadlines, new assignments, website sharing, presentation sharing, and more. In addition, you can communicate with parents of your students as well, so that they are in the loop on everything that their children are up to.

Cool Math Games

Cool Math Games is a website that contains hundreds of fun and interactive games that also require brain power to play. This is a good website to reward students with such as allowing them to play games on here after finishing a worksheet, or choosing certain games to review before tests after some serious study time. 


Quizlet is a fun way to study for all different types of learners. With quizlet, you can make an online study guide for your student to study for test, or they can make online study guides for themselves out of materials you have taught. Quizlet provides many different ways of studying- from flashcards to practice tests to matching games, there are options for everyone to learn. 


This website is excellent to use when it's a yucky day outside, but your students still need some physical activity to help their mental activity. Go Noodle offers various videos that encourage students to get up out of their seats and get some physical exercise. Another time this website would be useful is when the classroom is very rambunctious and unable to focus- you students can get some energy out before getting back to work.

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